Everything Bagel Breakfast Pizza with Eggs, Prosciutto, & Tomatoes

Everything bagel breakfast pizza on a baking sheet

I have been on an everything bagel kick for about the past six months. I couldn’t tell you why. My favorite was my everything bagel crusty bread. That made for some amazing sandwiches! I even made everything bagel pretzel knots! I’m telling ya, I’ve gone a little everything bagel crazy these past six months!… so, it’s not like I’m stopping anytime soon…

I am not a huge breakfast person for breakfast, but I do quite enjoy the occasional breakfast for dinner! And for whatever reason, everything bagel pizza popped into my head recently, and I said “yes! How have I not thought of that yet???” Well, now I have!

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So, most of my pizza recipes, I suggest making a 48 hour pizza dough. If you haven’t yet, go check out some of my other pizza posts and give a 48 hour pizza dough a go! I have tried a 72 hour pizza dough, which is closer in style to a NYC dough, but I found that it was too similar to NY pizza crust… aka, cardboard. Yea, yea, New Yorkers, don’t shoot me! I know NY pizza is coveted as “the best in the world.” But just like your dogs, y’all wrong. NY pizza is disgusting. The crust is cardboard. I stand as the east coast martyr saying these things!

Now, I’m not advocating a Chicago-style deep dish! Although I will say that Chicago at least has a delicious, flavorful crust! But, no, I do believe in a good old traditional style pizza. I’m just an advocate for a crust so delicious that non-crust eaters (such as myself) will revel in eating their crusts! And NY pizza does not provide such a crust. They don’t. Just admit peeps! (And while we are here… NY dogs will NEVER beat Chicago dogs… NEVER. Period.)

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So, pizza dough. As I said, I am a HUGE fan of the 48 hour pizza dough. Letting the yeast ferment for 2 days gives the dough the perfect amount of additional flavor. BUT the crust also isn’t rock hard… it is firmer than a same-day pizza dough, which is perfect for pizzas laden with heavy toppings such as my penne vodka pizza or my meatball pizza. These types of pizzas are just calling for a longer fermentation, as I said, not just for flavor, but for an added firmness to be able to hold the toppings.

However, sometimes you don’t want to plan your pizza TWO DAYS in advance. Ya want it now! And so I decided to make this breakfast pizza with same day dough just to share this delicious and easy recipe.

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Now, I recently read an article about some chef “sharing” his “secret family pizza dough recipe,” and I was totally not into it. And some of you may not agree with my reasoning, but I don’t care. I am deeply invested in my own pizza dough. Well, this chef only used water, yeast, flour, and salt. And as I said, I just do not agree with that. I am a proponent of using honey in my pizza dough as well as olive oil. When making any sort of dough (bread or pizza), it is criminal, in my book, to forget either salt or sweetener. I use a lot of different types of sweeteners, depending on the type of dough I’m making and my desired end result. With pizza, it is and will always be honey. It’s the right type of sweet that lends itself beautifully to any type of topping you add to your pizza.

Olive oil, in my book, is a must for a thin crust pizza. Olive oil is what keeps your pizza from becoming cardboard (in texture, not taste). You don’t want the dough too soft, which is why I only add a tablespoon. So, no chef, I do not agree with just water, yeast, flour, and salt.

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A lot of people like to coat the bottoms of their homemade pizza with cornmeal. If you’re using a pizza stone, cornmeal makes it so much easier to get the pizza off of the pizza peel and onto the pizza stone without knocking half of the ingredients off. I am not a big fan of the texture of cornmeal on my pizza ~ personal thing, so I don’t use it. Also, I’ve just found that cooking a pizza on a baking sheet provides no different outcome than cooking it on a pizza stone… and it’s just so much easier to assemble your pizza on a baking sheet and pop it directly in the oven ~ no muss, no fuss.

So, cornmeal… in lieu of that, I had the aha! moment of using everything bagel seasoning instead! I just lightly sprayed the pizza dough with nonstick spray and sprinkled the everything bagel seasoning on top, gently rubbing it into the dough… easy peasy!

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Okay, so I loaded everything up on to the pizza before popping it into the oven… this may sound like a “duh!” statement, but hear me out! I loaded up the tomatoes, eggs, prosciutto, cheese and onions and cooked it for about 12 minutes and it was beautiful, awesome, delicious, great, blah blah blah… BUT, the eggs were firmly set. Which is fine! If you like your eggs that way. In hindsight, and if I do this pizza again, I would load everything up BUT the eggs and then add the eggs in for the last four or five minutes to cook but stay a bit runny. Cook it how you would want your eggs though!

And before you say breakfast pizza is “weird” or “gross,” how many of you eat toast with your breakfast?? How many of you have breakfast sandwiches topped with ketchup (I’m looking at you east coasters!!)? Pizza is just a different form of toast or kaiser roll and tomatoes are just a different form of ketchup 😉. Basically, this pizza works, and it works for breakfast or dinner! And if you aren’t feeling, feel free to use Taylor ham, sliced breakfast sausage, bacon (!), or whatever delicious meat you prefer! But trust me when I say, ya gotta try this pie!


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Everything Bagel Breakfast Pizza with Eggs, Prosciutto, & Tomatoes

  • Author: carolyn rauffer
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 35 minutes
  • Total Time: 45 minutes + 1 hour rise
  • Yield: 6 servings 1x
  • Category: Pizza, Breakfast
  • Cuisine: Dinner




500 g all-purpose flour

½ TB quality salt (I use pink Himalayan salt)

2 TBs honey

1 TB olive oil

warm water (~105° – 110°F)

tsps active dry yeast (1 packet)


68 garlic cloves, minced

8 eggs

8 oz thinly sliced prosciutto

2 tomatoes, sliced about ¼” thick and cut in half

~4 TBs everything bagel seasoning, divided

12 sweet onions, sliced (optional)

4 TBs olive oil, divided

Nonstick cooking spray


Make the Dough

In a small measuring cup or bowl, whisk together the water, yeast, and honey. Let sit for about 5 minutes, or until there is about an inch of froth. Add the olive oil and whisk to dissolve the head into the water.

In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine the flour and salt. On low with the dough hook, slowly add the yeast water. Slowly increase the speed as the dough starts to form. Turn on to high speed and let the machine work the dough for about 5 minutes.

Remove the dough from the bowl and form into a ball. Divide equally and roll into two separate balls. Lightly flour a baking sheet and place the two balls of dough on the sheet, separated by 4 or 5 inches. Lightly sprinkle with flour and loosely cover with plastic wrap. Let the dough rise until doubled in size ~ about 1 hour.

Make the Pizza

Preheat the oven to 500°F.

If using onions, spray some nonstick spray in a frying pan over medium heat. When hot, add the onions and cook for 10 to 15 minutes, until lightly browned and softened, stirring often.

On a lightly floured surface, roll out one ball of dough until about a quarter inch thick. Take nonstick spray and spray evenly across the dough. Sprinkle half of the everything bagel seasoning on top, using your hands to gently rubs it into the dough. Carefully turn the dough over and place on top of a baking sheet. 

Drizzle 1 tablespoon of olive oil across the dough and rub in half of the garlic. Evenly spread out half of the tomatoes. Carefully crack 4 eggs evenly across the dough, using the tomatoes to hold the yoke in place. Curl half of the prosciutto, spreading evenly across the dough. If using, spread the onion evenly over the dough, then sprinkle half of the cheese on top of the pizza.

Bake for about 12 minutes, or until the eggs are set and the dough is golden brown.

While the first pizza is cooking, prep the second pizza on a second baking tray. Remove the first pizza, slice, and start eating while the second pizza cooks!


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Keywords: pizza, pizza night, everything bagel pizza, breakfast pizza, egg pizza, everything bagel breakfast pizza, pizza for breakfast

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